5 Pixie Cut Hairstyles You Can Achieve In 5 Minutes
Friday, December 5th, 2014
Ladiez are afraid of pixie cuts. It took me awhile to chop it all off, but now I could never go back. If you have a pixie cut, it might seem like there are only a few styles you can wear in your hair. INCORRECT! Presenting 5 pixie cut hairstyles you can achieve with only 5 minutes of work. Grab a hairbrush, some hairspray and a few bobby pins to get started.
1. The baby bouffant.
Girls with pixie cuts can get away with the poof just a little bit more than girls with long hair. Instead of looking like Snooki circa the Jersey Shore pilot, pixie cut poofs look like Christina Hendricks in Mad Men.
This hairstyle is perfect for dirty hair days, when the short bits on the back of your hair are sticking up in random directions. Start by brushing the hair at the front of your head forward and spraying with hairspray.

After spraying at the crown of your head, brush it back for volume.

Style it to your taste. Here’s my finish product.

2. The swoopy bang.
This hairstyle is a girly version of Justin Bieber circa 2010, except for pretty and not the worst.
I part my hair dramatically to the left on the reg. If you have a dramatic side part on most days, part your hair slightly closer the middle. Then use a round brush to pull your bangs towards the opposite side. Tuck your hair behind your ears to finish it off. Easy as pie!

3. Slicked back sides.
Start this style by brushing your hair to the front, just like style #1. Then, use hair gel to slick back the sides of your hair.

Push back your hair so the ends pieces of your bangs are sitting on the crown of your head. Shape your hair using hairspray. Volume is key for this style.

4. Itty bitty braid.
The trick for this style is starting with a loose braid at the top and geting tighter as you braid towards the ear. I recommend practicing in your free time before trying on a school and/or work day. Choose a small section of hair towards your bangs, and twist a tiny braid. It’s like a sexy, modern beer maiden look. #Winning.

5. The hairspray finger wave.
This hairstyle requires you to wash your hair first. When your hair is wet, create a dramatic side part. Push the side with the most hair towards your part with your hands to create a finger-wave texture. After it’s dried about halfway, spray with hair-spray and continue to shape it. The end product should look a little something this like this…

Do you have any pixie cut hairstyle suggestions? Let me know in the comments.
